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I'm interested, but how do I order?

Occasionally I find a potential customer is a little hesitant to order from us for the first time if they have only bought meats from grocery stores. It's human nature to get used to doing things a certain way and be content to keep doing them that way. (Many blog posts could be written about that sentence alone!)

I'll admit our process may be different than what you're accustomed to, but if you give it a chance, you may find it as easy or easier than shopping in a conventional store! Since we've accumulated a large swath of new social media and website followers recently, I thought I'd take this opportunity to give a quick overview of how our meat ordering process works for our new subscribers.

Step 1-Pick out your items and place your order

The easiest way to find items to order is on our website. There you will find all of our available products. Typically this includes a current bundle that rotates monthly, quarter beef and half hog spots available to reserve, and our individual items page. If you're interested in a bulk order or bundle, you can simply check out directly on the web store. If you would rather create a custom order, you can view our individual items and click the brown email us button to send your order to us. Be sure to include the number of packages of each item you'd like.

Don't worry, you don't have to use the web to order from us. If you are not comfortable with ordering things online, you can still place an order by calling 270-945-2433. This is my cell number, so be sure to leave a voicemail if I am unable to answer right away.

Step 2-We pack your order and reach out to schedule your pickup

Once your order is received by whatever method you prefer, we will get it packed up and ready for pickup. When it's ready, we will contact you (using the same method you contacted us) and let you know your order is ready for pickup and offer some dates and times for pickup. If you placed a custom order or are picking up a quarter beef or half hog we will also let you know your balance due at this time.

We work around your schedule! We try to schedule pickups in groups if possible, but we know your time is valuable and want to make it as convenient as possible for our customers. Also, everyone involved in our business works off the farm at a public job in addition to our farm duties, so we are scheduling around our own work schedules too!

Step 3- Pickup your order

Once a date and time are agreed to, the only thing left is picking up your order. All of our pickups are at 125 Woodchuck Drive in Brandenburg. We do pickups at this location because it is closer to town and more convenient for most of our customers, rather than driving all the way out to the farm. The pickup location is easy to find. Most GPS systems will take you to the right place. In fact, if you use google maps and search for 'Stith Family Farms Pickup Center' it will take you right to it!

When you arrive, your order will be ready for you to pickup. You can pay your remaining balance, if any, with cash, check, card or chashapp. You can also add any additional items you may want to your order at this time.

What if I want to shop before I buy?

We get it! It's tough to buy things, especially food, without taking a look at them. While we don't have a storefront with set hours each day, we are happy to schedule a time for you to stop by and shop from our large walk-in freezer. There is a video board near our freezer and checkout station that lists items available and prices. You can select the items your interested in off the menu and we will bring them out for you to take a look at. Once you've picked out everything you want, we will total your order and you can check out. Just reach out to us and let you know you'd like to stop by and shop and we will arrange a time and date for you. The pickup location is only staffed when there is a scheduled pickup or shopping appointment, so be sure to schedule your visit before you arrive.

That's all there is to it. Thank you for indulging a bit of a divergence from the usual focus of this blog this week so that I could catch up some of our new subscribers. I promise I'll get back on track next week with a new post for you to check out. As always, I appreciate your support of this blog and the farm.



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